reviewed by:
mancha150I finally got to try these rollers out today. I am still getting the hang of it, but this model in particular seems to be pretty forgiving relative to what I have heard about rollers in general (this is my first set).
The installation is really easy, and though the frame itself seem flimsy, once the rollers are set up correctly they feel great, and seem very durable. They do make some noise, but much less than a trainer, and much less than I expected.
They work on carpet just fine. The resistance is perfect: just enough the make you get a strength work out, but once you get moving the pedaling is smooth and relatively easy. I think this is a great deal for rollers, and I think if this is a introductory piece of equipment for anyone, this is a much better purchase than kreitler or other expensive rollers. Just try it out without clipping in your shoes the first few times until you get the hand of it! And having a couch to one side or the other doesnt hurt...