reviewed by:
isaacwatkinsWorked perfect! My bike frame cracked and I wanted to move all my components over to a new frame that I purchased. The new frame came with an FSA headset already installed, but the headset was tapered and my existing fork was straight. Rather than buy a new fork I bought this cheap piece and problem solved.

reviewed by:
cyclingmikeI purchased a new frame to move all my components from another bike. But wait the new frame was only available in a tapered headset. This adapter allowed me to install a straight fork 1-1/8" into a tapered headset. This saved me $$$, so I did not have to purchase a tapered front fork. It was a little tight on my suspension fork, so I used a piece of scrap PVC pipe to tap down the race on my fork. No front fork wobble, nice a tight... just right.