Honey Stinger Vanilla Waffles are the official ride food of Jarod Winn, one of our favorite customers. Haven't heard of Jarod... don''t worry, most folks haven''t. He doesn''t race the Tour de France like Lance Armstrong or any of those other mere mortals. No, he''s so fast he races time itself. Not against the clock like a time trial, but the very essence of time. His speed is so amazing that even Stephen Hawking can''t wrap his mind around the affects Jarod has on it.
Honey Stinger Vanilla Waffles are made with only USDA certified Organic ingredients. Why? Because that''s what is demanded by time altering riders like Jarod.
The classic vanilla flavor makes Stinger Waffles perfect as a snack food any time you want to reminisce on being a kid riding your bike home from the Dairy Queen. We''d be negligent if we didn''t recommend that you try them with chocolate and strawberry ice cream as well.