The Sinter Smart Bedding Machine will save your technicians time and money all while preparing new pads for the ultimate in braking performance from the first pull of the levers. With a wide variety of different brake pads, brake systems and rotors on the market our machine makes it simple for mechanics to choose the proper mode to bed in pads correct resulting in a safer, and better performing user experience.
- Bedding-in pads provides greater initial performance and
consistent long terms benefits through multiple brake cycles
- Not only does the Bedding Machine produce pads that out
perform parking lot bedded pads by more than 20% but the
quick processing time saves you valuable time and money! In rain, snow or sweltering heat your technicians can bed in pads in just a few min
- The Dual V form rollers keep positive traction on your 20-29" wheels while holding the bike steadily in place as you apply the brakes
- The roller drive direction can be changed with a simple wave of your
foot past the touchless sensor, or by using the control panel on top. There are separate functions for the front and rear wheel