We take extra care to ensure your bike arrives ready to ride. Our meticulous build and testing process takes about 4 business days before your bike is ready to ship.
This attention to detail guarantees that your bike will be easy to assemble on arrival. Please note that most bikes do not come with pedals. To make the most of your new bike right away, be sure to select a pair of pedals when checking out and we will include them with the build!The Surly Big Dummy. Designed to transport a rider and up to 200 pounds of cargo, the Big Dummy retains an extremely smooth and maneuverable ride under the heaviest of burdens. Big Dummy bikes ship with a Dummy deck, rails, Dummy Rail Collars, bags, and kickstand.
- 100% Surly chromoly steel; fork is suspension corrected for 80mm
- 26 x 2.5" maximum tire clearance; absolutely no limitation on chainring sizes
- Fender eyelets and Surly Trip Guides for continuous brake/shift housing or brake hydraulic lines
- Includes (2) Surly Dummy Rail Collars for a stiffer Dummy Rail/Frame interface
- Length of the frame requires 2 chains and tandem cables
- Three wide-ranging frame sizes to fit most riders (S,M,L)
- Two standard bottle mounts and one 3-pack mount on Small frame; three standard bottle mounts and one 3-pack mount on Medium and Large; four 3-pack mounts on the fork
- Weight Limit: 400 lbs. combined rider & cargo
WARNING: Cycling involves risks. To ensure your safety, have your bike and its accessories assembled and serviced by a professional mechanic. Do not alter your bicycle or its components. Always adhere to the instructions and warnings provided, including those found on the manufacturer’s website. Inspect your bicycle thoroughly before each ride and always wear a helmet.