We take extra care to ensure your bike arrives ready to ride. Our meticulous build and testing process takes about 4 business days before your bike is ready to ship.
This attention to detail guarantees that your bike will be easy to assemble on arrival. Please note that most bikes do not come with pedals. To make the most of your new bike right away, be sure to select a pair of pedals when checking out and we will include them with the build!The Big Easy is a longtail electric cargo bike that expands what's possible by bike. With passenger deck seating, Surly trailer integration and the option to run dual batteries, families with children, entrepreneurs with bike supported businesses and commuters who want to-run-more errands en route to their destination will appreciate the maximum cargo potential of Big Easy.
- Dummy Cargo Kit included
- Capable of running dual batteries for extended range
- Condensed bike size range and dropper post routing to promote bike sharing and to accommodate more riders per frame size.
- Damping headset provides a smooth and stable handling characteristics under heavy loads
- Equipped with the most powerful Bosch electric bike motor and largest battery available
- Fully tested and rated electric bike component set
- Includes Bosch Standard 4A charger, wiring harness and brackets for additional battery
- Lock keys and cores included - all keyed the same
WARNING: Cycling involves risks. To ensure your safety, have your bike and its accessories assembled and serviced by a professional mechanic. Do not alter your bicycle or its components. Always adhere to the instructions and warnings provided, including those found on the manufacturer’s website. Inspect your bicycle thoroughly before each ride and always wear a helmet.