The newest addition to the
Surly lineup pays homage to where is all began. The
Surly Lowside still focuses on much of the reason the
1x1 Rat Ridewas introduced in the late 1990s. The goal was simple. Offer a stripped down, versatile, fun to ride bike that can accept a lot of parts you might have laying around. The
Lowside is a throwback, but not too far. The updated handling, modern geometry, incredibly simple build options, thru-axel, dropper routing, and an oversized headtube, mix the past with the present. If you are looking for a unique, affordable, bike that can get you in to trouble as quickly as it can get you out of trouble, the
Lowside should make your shortlist.
- 26''' x 3'''' or 27.5'''' x 2.8''''
- Dropper post routing
- Front and Rear Thru-axles
- Gnot-Boost rear spacing
- Can be run with a suspension fork
Check out the
Lowside launch video
Surly goes deeper on the
Lowside over on their